Odor Removal from Clothes: A Comprehensive Guide

| How To
Discover effective techniques and tips to eliminate lingering odors from your garments.

At The Laundry Barn, we understand the importance of fresh and clean clothes, which is why we’re here to help you tackle odor removal from your garments. We want you to have the best experience when using our Pocatello Laundromat. Unpleasant smells like perfume scents, stubborn sweat odors, and more can impact your confidence. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a range of methods and techniques to effectively eliminate odors from different types of clothing. Get ready to revitalize your wardrobe with our expert tips and secrets!

Where Does Odor in Clothes Come From?

Before we delve into the specifics of odor removal, it’s important to understand the origins of these unpleasant smells. Odors in clothes can stem from various sources, including:

  1. Perfume Scent: While perfume is designed to enhance our personal fragrance, it can sometimes overpower our clothing and become overwhelming.
  2. Sweat: Active lifestyles and warm weather can lead to perspiration, which can permeate fabrics and create persistent sweat odors.
  3. Gasoline: Accidental spills or exposure to gasoline can leave clothes with a strong, unpleasant odor that can be quite challenging to eliminate.
  4. Cooking Odor: The delightful aromas of cooking can cling to our clothes, leaving them with unwanted smells long after the meal is over.
  5. Musty and Mothball Odors: Clothes stored in damp or enclosed spaces may develop musty odors, while the use of mothballs can also leave a distinct smell.
  6. Smoke: Whether from cigarettes, bonfires, or other sources, smoke can penetrate fabrics and leave a stubborn and pervasive odor.
  7. Mildew: Clothes that have been exposed to moisture for extended periods may develop mildew, resulting in a musty and unpleasant smell.
  8. Vomit: Accidents happen, and when clothes come into contact with vomit, they can retain the smell unless treated properly.

Now that we understand the various sources of odor in clothes, let’s explore effective methods to get rid of these unpleasant smells.

How to Get Smells Out of Clothes

Before we jump into the specific techniques for odor removal, it’s helpful to gather the necessary tools and supplies. Here’s a list of items you may need:

Laundry Detergent:

Choose a high-quality detergent suitable for your clothing type.


A versatile and natural ingredient that helps neutralize odors.

Another powerful natural deodorizer that can eliminate smells from clothes is baking soda

Baking Soda:

Another powerful natural deodorizer that can eliminate smells from clothes.

Lemon Juice:

Known for its refreshing scent, lemon juice can combat various odors effectively.

Enzyme-based Cleaner:

Especially useful for removing tough organic odors like sweat and vomit.


Utilize the power of the sun to naturally freshen and deodorize your clothes.

Now let’s explore specific techniques to tackle different types of odors.

How to Remove Perfume Scent From Clothing

Perfume-scented clothing can be overpowering and off-putting. To remove this fragrance, follow these steps:

  1. Start by soaking the affected garment in cold water for approximately 15 minutes.
  2. After soaking, gently rub the fabric together to loosen the perfume molecules.
  3. Wash the garment with an odor-neutralizing laundry detergent. Add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle for an extra deodorizing boost.
  4. Air dry the clothing, preferably outside, to allow any remaining perfume scent to dissipate.

How to Remove Sweat Odor From Clothing

Sweat can leave behind stubborn odors that regular washing alone may not eliminate. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Pre-treat the sweat-stained areas with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Let it sit for 20 minutes before washing.
  2. Use an enzyme-based cleaner in the washing machine to break down and remove the sweat odor.
  3. If the odor persists, repeat the process or consider using baking soda as an additional deodorizing agent.
  4. Ensure the clothes are completely dry before storing to prevent any residual sweat odor from developing.

How to Remove Gasoline Odor From Clothing

Accidental gasoline spills can be tricky to handle, but the following steps can help tackle this specific odor:

  1. Quickly remove the gasoline-soaked garment and place it in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Avoid rubbing the fabric, as it can spread the gasoline and make the odor worse.
  3. Soak the affected clothing in a mixture of warm water and detergent for at least 30 minutes.
  4. After soaking, wash the garment with a strong odor-eliminating detergent. Consider adding a cup of vinegar to the wash cycle for extra deodorizing power.
  5. Air dry the clothing outdoors, if possible, to allow fresh air to help remove any remaining gasoline odor.

Cooking smells can cling to fabrics and persist even after washing. This odor removal is vital!

How to Remove Cooking Odor From Clothing

Cooking smells can cling to fabrics and persist even after washing. To banish these odors, try the following:

  1. Hang the affected garment outside to allow fresh air to circulate around it.
  2. If the smell lingers, sprinkle baking soda over the fabric and let it sit for a few hours before brushing it off.
  3. Launder the clothing with an odor-neutralizing detergent, adding half a cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle.
  4. Dry the clothes outside to take advantage of the natural deodorizing properties of sunlight.

How to Remove Musty and Mothball Odors From Clothes

Musty and mothball odors can be particularly challenging to eliminate. Follow these steps for effective odor removal:

  1. Fill a sink or basin with warm water and add a cup of baking soda.
  2. Submerge the affected clothing in the baking soda solution and let it soak for several hours or overnight.
  3. After soaking, wash the garments with a detergent specifically formulated to combat musty odors.
  4. Air dry the clothing in direct sunlight, as ultraviolet rays can help neutralize remaining odors.

How to Remove Smoke From Clothing

Smoke odors can cling to clothes, leaving them smelling stale and unpleasant. This kind of odor removal from clothing doesn’t have to be a stressful endeavor anymore. Here’s how to tackle smoke odor:

  1. Hang the smoky clothes outside in a well-ventilated area to air them out.
  2. Fill a basin with warm water and add a cup of vinegar. Soak the clothes in this solution for an hour.
  3. Wash the garments using an odor-neutralizing detergent, adding a quarter cup of baking soda to the wash cycle.
  4. Allow the clothes to air dry, preferably outside, to facilitate odor elimination.

How to Remove Mildew Odor From Clothing

Dealing with mildew odors requires prompt action to prevent further damage to your clothes. Follow these steps:

  1. Brush off any visible mildew growth outdoors to avoid spreading spores indoors.
  2. Pre-treat the affected area with a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar.
  3. Wash the garment with an enzyme-based cleaner or a detergent specifically designed to remove mildew odors.
  4. Dry the clothes in direct sunlight, as the combination of UV rays and fresh air can effectively combat remaining odors.

How to Remove Vomit From Clothing. These are awesome odor removal tips!

How to Remove Vomit From Clothing

When faced with vomit on clothes, quick action is crucial to prevent stains and lingering odors. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Remove any solid residue carefully from the clothing.
  2. Rinse the garment under cold running water to dilute the vomit.
  3. Pre-treat the affected area with a mixture of water and enzyme-based cleaner.
  4. Wash the garment with an odor-neutralizing detergent, adding a cup of vinegar to the wash cycle.
  5. Air dry the clothes thoroughly before storing or wearing them.

Don’t Let Odors Win The Laundry Game!

Odor removal from clothes is a common challenge, but armed with the right techniques and supplies, you can bid farewell to unpleasant smells and enjoy fresh, clean garments once again. Remember to address specific odors with tailored approaches, whether it’s utilizing vinegar for perfume scents, enzyme-based cleaners for sweat odors, or sunlight for musty smells. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you’ll regain confidence in your wardrobe and ensure that your clothes are always fresh and odor-free.

Plus, when you visit The Laundry Barn and our full-service laundromat, our state-of-the-art machines, convenient app for tracking your spending and machine cycles, and warm, clean environment ensure a top-notch laundry experience. You won’t find another laundromat in Pocatello like ours. With our wash, fold, and dry services, as well as pickup and delivery options, we make doing laundry a breeze. Come see us at The Laundry Barn and let us take care of all your laundry needs while you enjoy fresh, odor-free clothes like never before!

Experience Pocatello Idaho's Best Laundromat Services

Your Odor Removal Questions, Answered

How do you get bad smells out of clothes?

To remove bad smells from clothes, start by pre-treating the affected areas with a mixture of vinegar and water. Then, wash the clothes with an odor-neutralizing detergent, adding a cup of baking soda to the wash cycle. Finally, air dry the clothes in sunlight or use a dryer with a freshening sheet for an extra boost of fragrance.

Why do my clothes still smell of BO after washing?

If your clothes still smell of body odor after washing, it could be due to several reasons. One common cause is not using the proper amount of detergent or not washing the clothes at a high enough temperature. Additionally, insufficient rinsing, using old or dirty washing machines, or leaving wet clothes in the machine for too long can contribute to lingering BO odors. BO is one of the worst things to have to deal with which is why this odor removal is vital.

What happens if you use vinegar and laundry detergent together?

When vinegar and laundry detergent are used together, they can enhance the cleaning process. Vinegar acts as a natural fabric softener, helps remove odors, and can boost the detergent’s cleaning power. However, it’s important to use vinegar in moderation and follow detergent instructions to avoid any adverse effects on fabric quality or color.

Can you get old smell out of clothes?

Yes, it’s possible to remove old smells from clothes. Begin by pre-treating the affected areas with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Then, wash the clothes with an odor-eliminating detergent and consider adding a cup of baking soda to the wash cycle. Air drying the clothes in sunlight or using a fabric freshener can also help eliminate lingering odors.

How long to soak clothes in vinegar to remove smell?

To soak clothes in vinegar and remove smells, allow them to soak for approximately 30 minutes to an hour. This duration allows the vinegar to penetrate the fabric and neutralize odors effectively. After soaking, proceed with regular washing using detergent to complete the odor removal process.

How long to soak clothes to get rid of smell?

The duration for soaking clothes to get rid of smell may vary depending on the severity of the odor. Generally, a soak of 30 minutes to an hour is sufficient. However, for stubborn odors, extending the soaking time to a few hours or overnight can yield better results. Remember to follow up with a thorough washing and drying process afterward.

What is the best closet deodorizer?

Activated charcoal is considered one of the best closet deodorizers. It helps absorb and eliminate odors effectively. Place activated charcoal in an open container or use charcoal bags and distribute them throughout the closet. Remember to replace the charcoal periodically to maintain its deodorizing efficiency.

What absorbs bad smells in the closet?

Baking soda is a fantastic odor absorber for closets. Place an open box or small bowls filled with baking soda in the closet to absorb bad smells. The baking soda will help neutralize odors and leave your closet smelling fresh. Remember to replace the baking soda every few months for optimal effectiveness.

What is the best natural deodorizer for clothes?

White vinegar is an excellent natural deodorizer for clothes. Its acidic properties help eliminate odors by neutralizing them. Add half a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle when washing your clothes to freshen them up naturally. This method is particularly effective for removing sweat odors and musty smells.

What eliminates tough odors?

For tough odors, an enzyme-based cleaner is highly effective. Enzymes in these cleaners break down organic materials that cause the odor, such as sweat or pet urine. Apply the cleaner directly to the affected area, following the instructions on the product. Allow it to sit for the recommended time before washing the clothes as usual.